Educate a Child, Educate a Nation. SAVE A CHILD'S LIFE “The greatest happiness in the world is in helping the people you don't know and seeing them happy.” “You become rich by helping the poor; you become rich also by helping the rich! Contact us

Our Missions And outreaches

Widows Empowerment

Beljodas Care Foundation is on charitable mission to many poor and remote villages including ancestral settlements burnt down by the insurgents, BCF visit some of these communities twice monthly to put smiles on their faces with food stuff of all kinds, relief materials and welfare packages to last them for a period of time. The relief materials are evenly distributed to the villagers. Our charity missions are greatly appreciated as it helps alleviates poverty, thousands of villagers have benefited and many others hope to partake in such effort. Hope has been restored to some villagers, who were grounded after attacks.

We Need Your Support

BCF is in great need of financial support as most of these villages are in desperate need of rebuilding, support and resettlement. Beljodas Care Foundation in her own effort is embarking on the establishment of free schools, medical dispensary, Drilling of borehole water and other humanitarian projects to make life more comfortable for the villagers.