
Beljodas First and Free School

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Donation Total: ₦ 20.00

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Beljodas First and Free School

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North-East IDPs Agricultural Empowerment

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In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:

  1. Make a check payable to "Beljodas Care Foundation Ngo"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "Beljodas Care Foundation Ngo"
  3. Make a transfer to the following bank account

 KFIM & Beljodas Accounts details

   Beljodas Care Foundation Zenith Bank Accounts

1016925006 (Naira)

5071266407 (Dollar)

5060323926 (Pounds)

5080317086 (Euro)

Beljodas Care Foundation GTB Bank

Account : 0597044217

Kings Film International Ministry Zenith Bank

Account : 1013466421 (Naira)

Or You can Please mail your check to:

Beljodas Care Foundation & Kings Film International
House 16, 4th Avenue Adjcent New Standard Hotel Berger Quarry road Mpape Abuja, Nigeria.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged


Donation Total: ₦ 10.00

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North-East IDPs Agricultural Empowerment

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Missions Mobility & Missionaries Spouses SMEs

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Donation Total: ₦ 5.00

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Missions Mobility & Missionaries Spouses SMEs

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